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Audited Financial Reports & 990 Forms

2022 Annual Report

ProKids is proud to share its financial reports and 990 forms with the community. If you have any questions about this information, please contact Interim Community Development Director Raynal Moore at 513-487-6448.


ProKids is a 4-star rated Charity Navigator organization, demonstrating our strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. In 2020, ProKids became one of only  25% of the charities evaluated by the national organization to have received at least 3 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that ProKids outperforms most other charities in America.

Candid.org and Guidestar help consumers make smart financial decisions, providing you with the research and data you need about your charity of choice. Learn more about ProKids and the difference we make in the Greater Cincinnati community by clicking the GuideStar Seal of Transparency logo.

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